Hands-Free Holistic TreatmentPressotherapy, or Dynamic Air Compression Treatment, is a proven technology that positively affects the entire body with instant results. This treatment is versatile, and it works great with other body sculpting techniques.
Zemits Demeter 2.0 is a pressure therapy massage that gently activates your lymph system, boosts your metabolism, and increases blood flow to your skin and fatty tissue. Specially developed pressure-wave massages boost metabolism even in the deeper layers of connective tissue triggering detoxifying processes and allowing waste and fat deposits to be broken down and washed out.
Achieve Slimming Results FasterPressotherapy is a 100% effective lymphatic drainage treatment after more aggressive body contouring technologies, such as cavitation, vacuum RF or cryolipolysis.
Post cavitation or cryolipolysis, providing a lymph drainage massage is essential to support the disposal of fluids and toxins from the treated body areas. In addition, Pressotherapy after cavitation or lipo-laser helps to induce the collapsed fat cells to be expelled into the lymphatic system. Compression therapy also helps to release oedema with unwanted toxic substances that remain post-treatment.It is also a very favoured technology for treating athletes and clients with oedema problems.Dynamic air compression treatment can be used with seaweed wraps to detoxify, firm, tone, improve circulation, and increase lymphatic drainage.
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